
Last weekend, Buc's, Myakka, and Tea party

Here are the pictures I promised all of ya Buc's night, the hike, and tea party.

The night at tampa was fun. hot but otherwise fun.

Our day at Myakka River State Park
was fun as well did the canopy walk, seen where wild pigs were tearing up the ground. Very different then Montana, Colorado and Missouri. Seen lots of birds. next time I hope to try the airboat tour and hike a few other trails as kiddo was tired and we did one trail and drove to see the sites. Click here for more info on the park and the canopy walk so you know how high up we were. now here is some of the pictures we were going to have Jane tell the story but she fell asleep and was snoring so loud on the way home we could not think straight.

The Tea Party~~~~

This was just a last minute thing we did. My friend's girl is the same age as kiddo and they went to Pre K and became friends even though they were not in the same class. They wore dresses and beads and talked like royalty. We had invitations,cookies they baked, finger sandwiches that they could make and of course now party would be complete with out apple tea (juice) Such little Ladies these little girls are. I think we may have one for the ladies around christmas time.

if any of you would like to see the pictures here they are.

just click view all if you get the dreaded red x and you should be able to go to my page.

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